Research Outline

Facebook Users - Australia


Understand how Australians compare in terms of Facebook usage to the rest of the world.

Early Findings


  • As of January 2019, Facebook has about 15 million monthly active Australian users. This figure means that nearly 60% of the total Australian population is an active Facebook user. In other words, six out of 10 Australians use Facebook
  • About half of Australians use Facebook on a daily basis.
  • According to Statista, The number of Facebook users in Australia will reach 11.5 million Australians having an account by the year 2022.
  • Younger generations in Australia (between 18 to 29 years) are using the platform four times more per week than those over the age of 65.
  • Breakdown of Facebook users in Australia: (Screenshot here)


  • According to Statista, "the highest concentration of Facebook users were ages 18–44. The biggest demographic group is at 19%, men ages 25–34."
  • Thirteen percent of global active Facebook users are women ages 25–34
  • The leading countries based on the number of Facebook users are India (270 million users), the United States (190 million users), Indonesia (130 million users), Brazil (120 million users), and Mexico (82 million users).
  • Fifty-five percent of teens use Facebook globally.
  • About 96% of Facebook users worldwide access it on mobile.
  • Among Facebook users globally, 43% are female and 57% are male.
  • Of all the women on the internet, 83% are Facebook users.
  • Of all the men on the internet, 75% use Facebook.