Research Outline

Lung Cancer in Health-conscious Adults


Investigate the correlation between lung cancer and health-conscious adults, by reporting the prevalence, incidence, and risk ratios of lung cancer incidence in non-smokers group, and amongst health-care professionals. Also, report risk factors, confounders, age ranges, other demographics, medical insurance claims, comorbidities, and survival rates of health-conscious adults suffering from Lung Cancer. It is preferable to seek relevant information from scientific publications (past five years), and publications using Medicare and Medicaid claims databases.

Early Findings

Our initial research indicated that health-conscious adults who received a diagnosis of Lung Cancer can be individuals who (i) never-smoked, (ii) are exercisers, (iii) eat a healthy diet, (iv) are from health profession background.

Relevant Findings:

  • In a systematic review and meta-analysis study, the researchers investigated the incidence and mortality rates amongst the 'never-smokers' group, by aggregating data from six large cohorts, of which all were conducted in the U.S., with the exception of one study from Sweden. Cohorts included: 1) Nurses’ Health Study, 2) Health Professionals Follow-up Study, 3) California Teachers Study, 4) Multiethnic Cohort Study, 5) Swedish Lung Cancer Register in the Uppsala/Örebro region, and the 6) First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study.
    • The study indicated that when pooling the data from the six study cohorts, the age-adjusted incidence rate of lung cancer amongst never-smoker groups (age 40-79 years), ranged from 14.4 to 20.8 per 100,000 person-years in women, and 4.8 to 13.7 per 100,000 person-years in men.

Research Methodology:

Please note that the purpose of this research strategy document is to: (i) translate the client's questions into addressable research aims; (ii) conduct one-hour preliminary research; (iii) outline the basic facts and statistics related to Lung Cancer incidence in premenopausal women, which shall serve as a groundwork for Wonder researchers; (iv) devise a research strategy based on project scopes.
The information regarding the association between health-conscious adults and lung cancer was not directly available. We identified groups that could be potentially classified as health-conscious adults and directed our research to those groups. We used Google Scholar and PubMed to identify articles, amongst which the afore-cited article demonstrated the most relevance. In-depth research is recommended based on the following research scopes.