Research Outline

Fashion Photography Market Size in the U.S.


To identify 2-3 of the top professional and corporate services fashion photography companies in the U.S. (specifically identifying the company, their website and contacts, and the reason they are included), as well as 2-3 of the top freelance fashion photgraphers in the U.S., identifying the photographer, providing their website or social media, and the reason they are included. We will also identify 2-3 of the top in house fashion photography studios, with their website/contacts, and reason chosen, all with the goal of furthering researh into the fashion photography market and industry.

Early Findings

  • Upwork, one of the top websites to hire freelance fashion photographers lists 27 of the top freelancers in this industry by number jobs completed, hourly rate, and success rating.
  • Amy S. from Cambridge City, IN is the top listed fashion photographer on Upwork with more than $100k earned and 256 jobs completed and a 100% success rate.
  • Amy charges $125 an hour and her profile on Upwork is here.
  • Ahmed R. from Las Vegas, NV is the second highest ranked freelance photographer on Upwork with 374 jobs completed, over $50k earned, and a 100% success rate.
  • Ahmed charges $75 and hour and his profile is here.
  • Jillian L. from Minneapolis, MN, has completed 116 jobs at 100% success with over $20k earned, and charges $75 an hour.
  • Jillian's Upwork profile is here.
  • A fast growing freelance website is toogit, which also lists fashion photographers.
  • Freelancer, a major freelance website did not list fashion photographers in particular but only photographers, and Fiverr, another top website lists fashion photographers at varying prices here.