Research Outline

Hybrid Events


Identify 12-15 examples of events that are engaging hybrid in-person and virtual audiences. By engaging, it means those events where both remote and in-person audiences can respond and engage. For each example, provide a brief description of the event and what technologies they are using to engage the audiences. Identify examples across a wide array of industries, including education, sports, entertainment, worship, arts, and conventions.

Early Findings

Best Cities Global Forum 2020

  • The Best Cities Global Forum 2020 looked to GEVME to provide a "robust, easy-to-use platform for both organizers and attendees which could easily transition their physical engagement online for their physical attendees and yet provide an enjoyable experience for their digital attendees."
  • Upon checking in in-person to the event for live attendees, each attendee was provided "a unique link which gave them access to the GEVME Live platform to engage with the online attendees, download brochures etc."
  • The event combined both physically present and remote speakers and audiences via the GEVME platform. Remote attendees were able to participate in live Q&A sessions, and in-person attendees could engage with online attendees: "the chat bar and Q&A widget allowed for seamless conversations between both physical and digital attendees."

Wolves Summit