Research Outline

Forest Fires In Brazil


Find the actual number of forest fires in brazil this year vs past 20 years in order to prove/disprove the numbers in the chart found on Mongabay:

Early Findings

Mongabay Report: Prove Or Disprove

  • According to INPE - Programa Queimadas (Burned Program) which is a global forest fire and burn monitoring portal, the number of forest fires in Brazil in 2015 was 216,782. This record is different from the numbers presented in the chart from Mongabay which is linked to the same source (INPE - Programa Queimadas). Thus, the data provided in the article is questionable. To help prove/disprove the data provided in the article, further research was made and here are the main findings that disprove the data in the article and prove the direct data from INPE - Programa Queimadas.
  • Another report from Mongabay stated that the number of forest fires in Brazil were 208,278 fires in 2017 while 2004’s record was 270,295 fires. This article is another evidence that disprove the data from the report.
  • According to Climate Change News, "satellite data revealed a 27.5% increase in forest fires in 2015 compared with the previous year. The total number was 235,629, almost as high as the record of 249,291 in 2010." This article is another evidence that disprove the chart's data.

Forest Fire In Brazil: Historical Records