Research Outline

Garage Gyms


To estimate the number of garage gym users in the US, San Francisco Bay Area, and Greater Atlanta regions.

Early Findings

-This Strategy is aimed to revise the statistics which were presented to the client for the estimated number of garage gyms.

- According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2015 American Housing Survey, roughly 63% of American housing have garages.[]

- The West and Midwest regions of the country have a greater percentage of housing with garages or carports, each with over 70%.

- According to a survey by 'PR News Wire,' 27% of the survey population use their garage for hobbies, 23% to work on cars, 19% for woodworking/carpentry, and roughly 13% for exercise or sports.

-Based on National Health Statistics Report, the national average of individuals (18-64 years) who meet aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise through leisure-time physical activity (between 2010-2015) was 22.9%. The same study also reported state-wide distribution of individuals who exercise in California was 24% and in the state of Georgia (Atlanta) was 20.2%.

1.Age-adjusted percentages of adults aged 18–64 who met both aerobic and muscle-strengthening federal guidelines through
leisure-time physical activity, by state: United States, 2010–2015

-Assuming 13% of garage owners use it for exercise or gym (exact prevalence unknown). The prevalence of potential gym garages can be calculated as:

-Total Housing Units in San Franciso Bay Area: 2,552,402

Calculations :

Potential Number of Garage Gym Users

United States: Estimated 6.15 million potential number of garage gym users
 328.24 million(population)*0.229(percentage of individuals who exercise)=75.16 million exercisers
75.16 million (People who exercise)*0.63(percentage of individuals who also have a garage in the USA)= 47.35 million exercisers + garage owners
47.35 million(exercisers + garage owners)*0.13(percentage of people who use their garage for their exercise)=6.156 million potential garage gym users

San Francisco Bay Area: 169,325 potential number of garage gym users
 7.753 million(population)*0.24(percentage of individuals who exercise)=1.86 million exercisers
1.86 million (People who exercise)*0.70(percentage of individuals who also have a garage in the Western USA)= 1.30 million exercisers + garage owners
1.30 million*0.13(percentage of people who use their garage for their exercise)=169,325 potential garage gym users

Greater Atlanta Area: 8,664 potential number of garage gym users
 523,738(Atlanta city population)*0.202(percentage of individuals who exercise)=105,795 exercisers
105,795 (People who exercise)*0.63(percentage of individuals who also have a garage in the USA)= 66,650 exercisers + garage owners