Research Outline

Glucose Monitoring


The latest technology in glucose monitoring for diabetics, as well as, the latest technology for home and on-the-go monitoring and testing for diabetics and a list of companies that are collecting data to analyze a person's glycemic curve and/or providing personalized recommendations based on the individual's biology (DNA).

Early Findings


Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitor

  • The Eversense Continuous Glucose Monitoring System is the first fully implantable continuous glucose monitor in the market.
  • It was approved by the FDA in January 2019. This device is used for type 1 and 2 diabetes.
  • While traditional glucose monitoring systems "involve replacing sensors every three to seven days, depending on the model," this implantable device provides monitoring for up to 90 days without changing the sensor.
  • The sensor that measures "glucose sits just under the skin where it uses a unique “light-based” technology." It then sends glucose "level data to an app on your cell phone, giving patients warnings if their glucose is rising too high or dropping too low."

Hybrid Closed Loop System

  • Launched in 2107, the MiniMed 670G Insulin Pump System was the first "product to feature what the company calls a hybrid closed loop system."
  • This means that it "automatically adjusts certain features of insulin delivery based on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) readings."
  • It measures glucose levels every five minutes and includes a "subcutaneous sensor, an insulin pump and an infusion patch connected to the pump via catheter to deliver insulin."
  • This glucose monitoring system can be used by children between ages 7 to 13.


  • About five years ago, Novartis and Google announced that they were collaborating to create a "smart contact lens that could measure glucose levels."
  • The lens would "incorporate a thin microchip to measure glucose and an antenna to send the information to a smartphone."
  • Although there has been no major update on this, researchers in South Korea are developing their own glucose-sensing smart lens.
  • The researchers in South Korea mentioned that the smart lens works on animals.