Research Outline

Direct Mail Grocery Circulars: The Major Players


To identify the top companies that mail local grocery circulars across the U.S. This research will help with advertising in circulars nationally.

Early Findings

An Overview Of The Market

  • According to a Nielsen study, 80% of U.S. households use printed advertising circulars more than they do any digital sources of information, when making grocery purchasing decisions.
  • Based on an older study published by RetailMeNot, coupons continue to be a key part of the grocery shopping experience, since 96% of all consumers still use coupons.
  • 46% of the U.S. consumers use printed store circulars to decide where to shop, according to Valassis 2K19 Intelligence Report

Valassis — RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail

  • RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail has a weekly audience of 117 million households in the U.S.
  •  Every week, RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail delivers grocery circulars to subscribers.
  • The direct mail inserts are targeted to specific neighborhoods around the area within which the store is in. There is also the possibility to be customized for the local audience.  

Donnelly Distribution

  • Donnelly Distribution was founded by Richard Donnelly in 1976
  • The company through its products is reaching 900,000 U.S. households every week.
  • Donnelly’s primary service area is the Philadelphia DMA (designated market area), covering the county/city of Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, and Chester Counties in Pennsylvania and Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties in Southern New Jersey and northern Delaware.