Research Outline

Health Sharing Plans


Summarize and compare options and providers for receiving alternative health coverage through a health sharing plan.

Early Findings

  • Medi-Share is one leading healthcare sharing plan. Members can choose from a range of coverage options based on how much they want to pay monthly and as a deductible. The amount members pay is also based on their age, weight, health condition, and other factors. This includes discounts for meeting health standards and additional fees for pre-existing conditions.
  • Another plan is Christian Healthcare Ministries. This organization offers three tiers of coverage based on the deductible that the member chooses to pay. Members can also add additional coverage for catastrophic incidents. Costs remain the same regardless of health condition, age, and similar factors.
  • The attached spreadsheet includes an initial comparison of these two healthcare sharing plans, including some key details on each.
  • Other healthcare sharing plans and alternatives include Samaritan Ministries, Liberty HealthShare, and Direct Primary Care.