Research Outline

Healthcare Executives


To obtain the names, emails, titles and LinkedIn profiles for the top executives in the roles of VP marketing, chief marketing officer, and CEO for the provided healthcare companies.

Early Findings

  • In our preliminary research, we have extracted the 100 health system names and location data and transferred them to the attached spreadsheet.
  • We have also completed the name, title, email, and LinkedIn profile information for the CEO and chief marketing officer roles for the first two companies, which have been entered in the spreadsheet.
  • Our early findings show that the health systems may not have their executives in the exact specified titles, i.e VP marketing or chief marketing officer. In these cases, we could provide details for the next best titles.
  • Adventist Health is one example where we have documented Adam Lee's contact information under the chief marketing office role, although his title is director of marketing & communications and patient experience at Adventist Health.
  • We can complete the research in requests of 8-9 companies. Below is our recommended research path.