Research Outline

Spanish Healthcare Experience - Patient Portal Software Companies


Provide examples and images of patient portal experiences offered in Spanish by strategic partnerhealth information technology companies, specifically Epic, Cerner, Allscripts, Atheahealth, Salucro, RevSpring, and Phreesia. Also, include any information and screenshots regarding the specific Spanish language offerings patient experiences offered by these companies via their patient portals.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research on this topic yields that data spefic to patient portal type patient expericences offered specifically in Spanish by the listed companies is of low availability publicly In order to arrive at this conclusion, company websites specific to their patient portals were evaluated for each of the listed companies. Press releases, specific to each company's patient portal were also evaluated with regards to any news of multiligual offerings that include Spanish as part of the experience. Public web images pertaining to each company's patient portal pages were also evaluated for screeshots of their pages available in Spanish.
  • The focus was on the actual patient experience, not including translated copies of informational materials, such as brochures, notice of privacy practices, and any other materials used for communication or strictly with regards to documentation needs by the healthcare facilities or practices using the software.
  • Lastly, in order to find out which portal software companies have divsersified their language offerings, rollout information was also leveraged, which may include information older than our 24-month standard for current information

Early Findings

  • The Health Information and Technology Evaluation and Quality Control Center has published a list of "patient engagement tools and services" and their status with regards to multiligual offerings for their patient experience software programs (i.e. patient portals and materials for patient education).
  • Of the companies requested, potential offerings in Spanish were noted for Epic as My Epic Chart, and Allscript's Follow my Health. Offerings were also noted in Spanish for MedFusion's Patient Portal, Next Gen's portal, which was noted to have offerings in English, Spanish, and Chinese, eClinical Works, and Micro MD.
  • We also noted Spanish offerings for McKesson's Relay Health portal, and Bridge Patient Portal.
  • Med-Fusion's portal was further evaluated for pertinent information as an example case.

Med Fusion's Spanish Patient Portal

  • Shorty after their new and simplified re-design roll-out. Med Fusion red-carpeted a multi-lingual vesrsion of it's patient portal by introducing their MedFusion Spanish portal in December of 2015.
  • Health systems that have used portal either currently or in the past include practices, such as ENT Associates (Ear Nose and Throat Associates), a full service, medical, surgical, and outpatient procedural provider for services in Central Florida. ENT Associates also uses Phreesia for their check-in services, which after additional preliminary research, leads us to believe that Phreesia does not offer a Spanish option for a full patient portal. Also, ENT Associates indicated that as of March 31st, the MedFusion Mobile App would no longer be needed to access the portal. Therefore it is not clear if this portal is currently the portal of use for this practice.
  • MedFusion's Spanish integration includes screens for appointment setting, as well as Spanish invitations to join the portal. While the portal is pre-set to Spanish, it also seems that inbound and outgoing messages to patients can also be translated by office staff at the time that the portal was created.
  • Images for Medfusion's Spanish appointment setting and password creation pages from the initial creation of the offering is found in this introductory PDF.
  • Scouring of MedFusion's patient portal site reveals that the only way to get access to portal screens available in Spanish will be to Schedule a Demo.
  • At the 1:38 minute mark of this instructional YouTube video for Medfusion, it is noted that all portal icons, including those for viewing lab results, can be translated to Spanish by the click of a button, but no further page images were seen in Spanish during the video.


  • Preliminary research yields that information regarding specific examples and images of patient portal screensfor the requested companies in Spanish is of low data availability.
  • Of the companies listed, we found that Epic may have a Spanish Offering for their My Epic Chart Patient portal, but examples and screenshots were largely unavailable in our initial search. The YouTube video provided as part of the project submission was the only evidence we were able to find.
  • AllScript's Follow My Health is also another potential patient portal offering that may have a Spanish version.
  • Other Spanish patient portals may include McKesson's Relay Health Portal, Next Gen, and Bridge Patient Portal.
  • Since preliminary research indicatese that there is low information availability by researching the specific companies requested, we propose the following: