Research Outline

U.S. Proton Pump Inhibitor Market Analysis


  • The market size of the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) market,
  • The leading players and products of the PPI market, including sales volume and product pros and cons,
  • and alternatives to PPI and their popularity
to inform a better understanding of the PPI market.

Early Findings

Market Size and Leading Players and Products

  • The global GERD therapeutics market (which includes antacids, H2 Receptor Blockers, PPIs, and pro-kinetic agents) is anticipated to shrink by 2.9 percent each year through 2025. In 2016, the global GERD therapeutics market was $5.66 billion (with an anticipated value of $4.34 billion in 2025.
  • PPIs are growing, however: For the PPI market specifically, the anticipated growth rate is 5 percent annually.
  • Leading players in the U.S. PPI market include AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Eisai Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer Inc., Proctor and Gamble, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
  • As of 2017, Nexium is the biggest-selling PPI with global sales of $72.5 billion from 1992-2017.


Alternatives to PPIs

  • Alternatives to PPIs include omeprazole (such as Prilosec), pantoprazole (such as Protonix), and lansoprazole (such as Prevacid).

Summary of Early Findings in Relation to Goals

The first hour of research involved outlining the project to determine if the requested information is available.

Recent information on market size, leading products and product sales does not appear to be available in the public sphere. The information that is available appears to be dated or not distinguished between global and U.S. sales.

Based on these findings, we recommend the following steps to help complete an understanding of the U.S. PPI industry: