Research Outline

Benevity: Customer Success Services


Provide information on the top four customer success services offered by Benevity.
  • Exclude platforms for giving, volunteer, matching, and similar.
  • Focus on services that assist customers on and off the platform.
  • Provide the information on the solutions in the attached spreadsheet.

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research suggests that data availability is limited on the topic.

  • Benevity's customer success solutions include client success, customer engagement, Benevity Impact Labs, and Corporate Purpose Bundle.
  • However, even though those services are wider than the company's platform, it appears that they are connected to it. The "Why Benevity" page suggests that its offerings are generally based on its all-in-one software.
  • While the Client Success solution is based on direct support from the client success team and the page doesn't clearly say that it's only for the users of the platform.
  • The Customer Engagement solution appears to be partially based on the platform, but it provides multiple other functionalities, including digital and traditional gift cards, Benevity API and giving widgets for e-commerce and banking integrations, and launching a public giving website.
  • Benevity Impact Labs "is an incubator and resource hub that brings data, research, insights, inspiration and resources to help companies, nonprofits and individuals maximize their impact and authentically live their purpose."
  • The Corporate Purpose Bundle combines all the offerings for corporate customers, including a platform and multiple other features.
  • The only growth metric we found is for the customer engagement solution, which registered a 70% year-on-year growth between 2019 and 2020.


  • Within the first hour, we were able to choose four solutions that are not completely separate from Benevity's platform but at least provide additional features that aren't directly dependent on it.
  • At the same time, after analyzing the website and media articles, we believe that there are no other solutions that fit the criteria.
  • We also started filling the attached spreadsheet.
  • However, we believe that even for the solutions we've selected, some of the requested information is not publicly available. This includes pricing, growth trends, case studies, customer packages, and the number of customers.
  • Most of the available articles talk about Benevity's platform, while pages for each solution only provide basic information.
  • We recommend continuing the research to fill the rest of the spreadsheet. For data points that are not available, we will mark the appropriate cells with "N/As."
  • For rows 20 and 21, we will compare the solutions against those offered by United Way Worldwide (UWW).