Research Outline

Higher Education Marketing Best Practices


To understand the decision making process for Latin American students when choosing graduate degrees.

Early Findings

Our initial findings indicate that there is limited information available regarding the decision journey of Latin American students choosing a graduate college or degree program. We, therefore, expanded our search to look at current trends in Latin American higher eduction in general. From these trends, we were able to identify some factors that drive the college choices of Latin Americans.
  • Due to lack of accessibility, interationalism, and growing demand for English language skills, many Latin American students are choosing to study abroad.
  • The top study destinations for students studying abroad are the United States (54%), Canada (48%), and the United Kingdom (38%).
  • Forty-four percent (44%) of students say they chose their particular institution abroad for cultural reasons.
  • Forty-one percent (41%) say they chose the institution abroad due to international recognition of qualifications.
  • Thirty-two percent (32%) state they chose the instution abroad because they would like to work there after graduation.
  • Regardless of whether the student studied abroad or within Latin America, the top reasons for school choice were funding, the institutions reputation, and cost compared to other institutions.
  • Fifty percent (50%) stated funding was the most important motivating factor for choosing a school.
  • Forty-three percent (43%) were influened by the school's reputation in their chosen subject area.
  • Thirty-four percent (34%) were influenced due to the cost of the program compared to other institutions.