Research Outline

Homeland Security and Military Industry Companies in India


To provide a list of companies in India that meet the following criteria:
  • Should be active in homeland security and/or military industry in India.
  • Should not be a tier#1 company (i.e., a huge/large/major company) but should be a tier#2 company that mostly supplies to tier#1 companies.
  • Should mostly focus on hardware products relating to the above mentioned industries (as software and algorithm solutions will be handled separately).
  • Should not be a large company (in terms of manpower size) as some of the other huge companies in India.
  • An example of such a company that meets the above criteria is attached here (this company will not be included in the list).
The above list has to be ideally provided in a Google spreadsheet with the following information: company name, website, location, business focus, and main clients.
The research will be used to locate and approach companies in India that work in the homeland security and/or military industry sector with the intention of collaborating products and solutions with them in order to add value to their original products.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that there is a wealth of information available on this topic. However, several of these companies that fit the required criteria are startups and/or majorly supply to the Indian Army.

List of Companies in the Field of Homeland Security and Military Industry in India

  • The attached Google spreadsheet has been created with the table as per the research requirements.
  • Asteria Aerospace is a robotics and AI company that develops "high quality UAV-based solutions and products to translate aerial view data into actionable intelligence." The company has its HQ in Bengaluru and offices in Gurgaon and Hyderabad.
  • "Optimized Electrotech Private Limited (OEPL) is an Indian Electro-Optics company making Indigenously Designed, Developed and Manufactured (IDDM) Surveillance systems" for commercial and strategic customers. The company has its HQ in Ahmedabad and a developmental facility in Bengaluru.


  • During the one hour allotted for our initial research, we were able to find the availability of data in the public domain, create a Google spreadsheet, and list the names of two companies that fit the required criteria. Our research shows that there are other such companies in India that are working in this field in line with the 'Make in India' scheme of the Government of India. However, the information is segregated in the public domain and uncovering the same and presenting it in the attached spreadsheet will require additional hours of dedicated research.
  • Proposals for further research have been provided below. Please select one or more of the following proposals for additional research.