Research Outline

Australian Homewares Market


To build demographic and psychographic profiles of Australian buyers of homewares (i.e. crockery, glassware, cookware, and home decor). The demographic profile will focus on age, gender, location, income level, and education level. The psychographic profile will focus on where they buy products (channels), purchase behaviors, and purchase drivers/motivations.

Early Findings


  • The majority of consumers in this space are between the ages of 25 and 34, with a share of 38.5%.
  • 18-24 year-olds have a 16.2% share, 35-44 year-olds have a 21.5% share, 45-54 year-olds have a 16.2% share, and 55-64 year-olds have a 7.7% share.


  • In terms of gender, this consumer base is nearly equally split between male and female, with females occupying a 50.8% share.

Income Level

  • In terms of income level, the split among consumers is again fairly equal. Low-income earners have a 35.4% share, medium-income earners have a 32.7% share, and high-income earners have a 31.9% share.

Purchase Channels

  • The majority of purchases are made offline, however, the share of online purchases is expected to increase to 7% by 2023, up from 4% in 2019.

Purchase Behaviors

  • Australians use smart devices to research ideas and information when it comes to buying items for their home.
  • 45% of Australians who made recent home furnishing purchases "compared choices and product features on their smartphones."