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Research Outline
Prepared for Alec R. | Delivered March 26, 2020
HS Algebra Materials Market- Profit Margins/Revenues
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To provide data that details the distribution of revenues and profit margins for secondary math curriculum providers.
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Early Findings
Locating information directly that detailed the distribution of revenues and profit margins for secondary math curriculum providers was not directly provided publicly. Increasing the scope to only curriculum providers did not provide any useful information.
At this point, we attempted to look at the annual reports of individual companies:
Annual Reports
Buck Institute for Learning
The Buck Institute for Learning
, who produces PBL Works, published their annual report. Analysis of this report showed that no information was shared to their investors as to the breakdown of revenue or profit margins. The document may be viewed
They are a
company and do not report to the SEC.
of their website showed no investor information or annual reports.
They are a
company and do not report to the SEC.
CapSource Education
An analysis of their
showed no investor information or annual reports.
They are a
company and do not report to the SEC.
Results of This Research
Direct search paths did not provide any insights that explained the distribution of revenues and profit margins for secondary math curriculum providers.
Three of the leading companies were researched to ascertain if they provided any information through SEC filings or annual reports. Buck Institute for Learning provided an annual report with no detailed explanations. The other two companies did not provide an annual report. It is very doubtful that useful information will be obtained using this strategy.
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