Research Outline

HVAC Technology and Innovation Research


To determine technologies and innovations that will change the HVAC industry in the coming decade by providing a list of such innovations and a brief explanation of why each one was selected.

Early Findings


Movement-Activated Air Conditioning

  • This system is among the latest air conditioning designs in the HVAC industry. The system detects movements through a sensor that turns off the HVAC or adjusts the thermostat. In simpler terms, the air conditioning only comes on when people are present.
  • This prototype shows the future of HVAC systems and how they will feature more "compact and portable designs that save both energy and utility costs."
  • The movement-activated air conditioning system has found its use particularly in "green buildings where it's crucial to turn off air conditioning and heating to unoccupied rooms."

Thermally-Driven Air Conditioning

  • Thermally-driven air conditioning was developed as a "low-cost alternative to traditional A/C units."
  • This air conditioning system functions using solar power supplemented by natural gas, making it highly efficient and effective. It eliminates the cost of electricity, and its design makes it a more efficient cooling system than any other system available.
  • However, this technology has not been widely adopted and might take several years before being integrated massively into the US market.

Sensor-Enhanced Ventilation

  • Sensor-enhanced ventilation systems or smart vents help provide a more nuanced control over a building's heating and cooling.
  • They consist of "sensor-driven vents that replace a home's existing ceiling, wall, or floor vents" and can be controlled by a smartphone app. The sensors mostly use proximity or motion-sensing technologies.
  • This system monitors a home's indoor air quality factors, such as its temperature and air pressure. While its design is relatively new, it has been tested properly and launched into the market.
