Research Outline

HS Algebra Materials Market


To obtain the TAM for project based, high school algebra materials, the distribution rates of penetration for successful curriculum products at the high school level, the distribution of costs for curriculum production, especially project-based materials, expressed as dollars per student minute, and the distribution of profit margins for curriculum companies at the secondary level (especially math, especially project-based).

Early Findings

Market Information

  • The U.S. K-12 curriculum market is an $8 billion a year industry, which receives a large portion of its revenue from the public sector. Yet very little is known about curriculum adoption and procurement and even less is known about the materials in use in classrooms.
  • Project based learning had a market size of $96.3 million in 2018, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% through 2027.
  • Some of the players operating in the Project Based Learning (PBL) Market are Buck Institute for Education, CrowdSchool, Inc., Capsource, Project Foundry., 42 Silicon Valley, Project Pals, Rubicon West LLC, WORKBENCH and Tech4Learning, Inc.


  • During the 2015–16 school year, there were over 16.7 million students enrolled in high schools. Approximately 12.5 million of those students nearly 75% of the total high school student population were enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, advanced mathematics, and/or Calculus.
  • The numbers can be further broken down:
  • Algebra I- 3,270,000 students
  • Geometry -3,393,000 students
  • Algebra II- 2,946,000 students
  • Advanced Mathematics -2,205,000 students
  • Calculus -692,600 students
  • If one just looks at Algebra I and II, the TAM is 6,216,000 students. If advanced mathematics and calculus are taken into consideration since they both offer elements of algebra, the TAM would be 9,113,600 students.

Results of Initial Research

  • Initial research was unable to uncover the market size of project based learning and the curriculum market, along with some key players. Additionally, we were able to estimate the TAM in the US for algebra education.
  • This initial hour was unable to locate any information that pertained to penetration rates, distribution costs, and profit margins, as time did not allow.
  • It appears that this market does not have a wealth of information when looking for concrete statistics and there is not a uniform standard for reporting this information. The market information is also not readily broken down by K-8 and HS margins.