Research Outline

Innovative Stadiums


To build a competitive landscape of the most innovative sports venues (i.e. stadiums). 'Most innovative' should be determined across the following parameters: connectivity, access, apps & ticketing, and participation. These parameters should be defined in the following ways:

Connectivity: Network speed (guest WIFI) and the ability for guests to connect with each other and content while visiting the venue.
Access: Ways that enable fans to get closer to the athletes and vice versa.
Apps & Ticketing: Unique ticketing experiences, food and beverage experiences and VIP experiences.
Participation: Ways that enable fans to engage during their visit (e.g. digital technologies, social, games, etc).

There should be a list of the 10 most innovative stadiums based on the parameters above and for each, there should be a qualitative explanation of how it meets each of the parameters above.

Early Findings

  • The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, opened in April 2019, has been identified as one of the most innovative stadiums based on the aforementioned parameters. An overview of the stadium across these parameters has been compiled and can be found in the attached spreadsheet.
  • We can continue this research to identify 9 more stadiums to add to this list and add the details of each to the attached spreadsheet.