Research Outline

Employee Training Impact on Retention


To understand the impact of employee training on employee turnover in an organization.

Early Findings

  • A study on the impact of training practice on employees' intention to stay or leave an organization found that for every single training opportunity, the retention rate increases by about 0.5688.
  • Umer Ahmad of Case Business School conducted a study on the impact of training practice on employees’ intention to stay or leave an organization.
  • The study used data collected from 100 employees of Public/Private organizations using convenience sampling technique, and he analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis.
  • The study results showed that for every single training opportunity, the retention rate increases by about 0.5688 (56.88%). The value is based on regression analysis conducted on the data.
  • However, based on R-square value analysis of the data, the researchers found that "27.98% of the variation in the retention rate is due to provision of training to employees in organizations. The remaining 72.02% of the variation has been supposed to be due to other human resource practices like compensation, performance management system and working environment."
  • The author concluded "that positive relationship exists between training and employees retention and employees decision to stay for a longer period of time can be influenced by training practice. "

Summary of Initial Research

  • Our initial research shows that while there are many articles and research showing that employee training increases retention, quantified data on the exact link between training and retention is hard to come by.