Research Outline

New Customer Onboarding


To determine best practices and locate recent (2019 and 2020) case studies surrounding onboarding new customers (from the moment of acceptance through the first 90 days). Case studies should only include companies outside of the finance vertical and be focused on usage and engagement.

Early Findings

Best Practices - Video Onboarding

  • According to Forrester's 2020 Playbook, "companies must focus on ease, effectiveness and emotion in order to improve digital CX and drive customer loyalty. Customers want helpful information fast and with minimal effort; they can't be bothered with generic content; and it must be brought to life in a compelling way."
  • Video experiences allow companies to improve customer welcome and onboarding steps, as it is a convenient and easy-to-use option to convey empathy and emotional messages, and showcase the product. They bring "tools to life and much more effectively teaches them how to best take advantage of those tools."
  • A 2018 Video Marketing Survey reported that 97% of marketers say that video has been a useful tool for "helping increase user understanding of their product or service, while 47% reported that video has helped them reduce the volume of support queries." Additionally, 95% say "video helps increase their users’ understanding of their product."
  • Another recent survey discovered that "96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service, and 74% of people have been convinced to buy software or an app by watching a video." More importantly, 66% say they would rather use video to learn about a product than read text.
  • For example, Dropbox and Wix incorporate video as part of their onboarding process.

Case Study - Hello Social

  • Hello Social is one of the largest Social Media & Content Marketing Agency in Australia. The company grew fast, and onboarding new clients became a problem. With a small team of 25 people, the company needed a "professional, in-depth, and standardized" onboarding process. In this case, Hello Social's standard onboarding process lasts 28 days.
  • The main pain points the company faced were:
    • "New clients couldn't easily see where they were in the process or what work had been accomplished, which hurt first impressions and compromised future collaboration."
    • "Important information was scattered across emails and documents that weren't centralized or accessible by everyone."
    • "Onboarding new clients required a lot of bandwidth from Hello Social staff, which limited their ability to bring on more accounts."
  • The agency partnered with ASANA to "break up the onboarding process into actionable tasks, with clear owners and deadlines, on a calendar so they could see a snapshot of the 28-day plan. It also needed to allow guest access, so clients could collaborate on action items with the Hello Social team in one centralized place."
  • The standardized process created a better client experience as the platform was easy to learn and use. Professional design and allowing clients to see every step of their onboarding plan improved their trust. As a result, the company enjoyed a 12% increase in NPS scores.
  • Additionally, the onboarding team became 20% more efficient, planning time was cut down by 30%, and the agency reduced back-and-forth emails by 15 over the month, further improving clients' satisfaction.


  • Our initial hour of research was spent gathering some insights surrounding new customers onboarding, as well as assessing the availability of the required information to complete this project. Given our time constraints, we were unable to conduct the in-depth research necessary to address every single point of the request (longer onboarding process, focused on driving usage and engagement). However, our initial assessment shows that there is enough publicly available information to continue the research and provide 6-8 detailed case studies.
  • In addition to this public search, we scanned our proprietary research database of over 1 million sources and were unable to find any specific research reports that address the goals.
  • As we were not given a geographic scope, we assumed a global focus. Please communicate to us in any reply if a different focus is desired (e.g., United States).
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.