Research Outline

Nutraceutical/Dietary Supplement Contract Manufacturing Industry Analysis


To provide an overview of the B2B nutraceutical/dietary supplement contract manufacturing industry, including the market size, growth rate, trends, most popular delivery forms (capsules, tablets, gummy's, soft gels, etc) being manufactured, the opportunity, the fragmentation that lies within the industry, and the top players.

Early Findings

Market Analysis


After an exhaustive search through market reports, industry analysis, and news publications, we were unable to find the market size for the global B2B nutraceutical/dietary supplement contract manufacturing industry. We could only find information regarding the general industry with no specific detail about the B2B manufacturers only. Initial research revealed that manufacturers in the industry deal with B2B and B2C. Also, the industry's B2B aspect is a niche and a subset of the primary industry, and so, no pre-compiled industry analysis exists for the industry. From our initial findings, we have made the below propositions.