Research Outline

Enterprise Technology: Top Reporters and Trends


To provide an understanding of the top trends in enterprise funding among venture capital funds, the enterprise technology that is attracting funding attention, and the top 50 reporters/journalists covering enterprise technology.

Early Findings

"Hot" Enterprise Technology

  • According to Forbes magazine, in 2021 venture capital funding will be focused on automation, cloud native core technology to replace legacy systems, enterprise tech in healthcare, technology solutions for hybrid work, and public sector infrastructure work.

Trends in Enterprise Technology

  • Trends in venture capital funding according to Forbes magazine are difficulty in raising series A funding and continuance of the buoyant later stage funding market.
  • In an article written as a Forbes contributor Matt Carbonara, managing director of venture investing at Citi Ventures, noted that the drift of every company towards becoming software companies, the key role played by software developers within the enterprise, and the desire of enterprises to mine their data for insights leading to a build out of digital infrastructure to support data mining, are among the main reasons for the heightened interest of venture capital in enterprise tech.

Top 50 Reporters/Journalists in Enterprise Technology.

  • A spreadsheet has been created on which the list of the top 50 reporters/journalists in enterprise technology will be presented. The spreadsheet can be accessed at this link.
  • The spreadsheet contains the name of the journalist, the publication to which they are attached, a link to their Twitter account and the reason for inclusion into the list. It has been populated with the names of eight reporters thus far, namely, Rosalie Chan, Ron Miller, Peter Evans, Samara Lynn, Ryan Browne, Casey Newton, David Jean, and Seth Fiegerman.


  • During the initial hour of research, the focus was placed on determining the availability of the requested information.
  • Since the initial search has provided sufficient information to provide the requested research, we propose to continue the research to provide 3-5 additional "hot" enterprise technology, expand on the four trends mentioned in this strategy document, and continue to populate the spreadsheet created for the top 50 journalists/reporters in tech with the remaining 42 names which time constraints did not permit the research team to complete.
  • Please note that the research methodology for continued research into the top 50 reporters/journalists in enterprise tech will be to first search for lists of names regarding reporters in enterprise tech, once this search has been exhausted, provided the 50 names has not been found, the team will continue by searching for the top technology and mainstream media entities and determining their enterprise tech reporters.