Research Outline

Unbiased Links that Compare Online and Offline Ad Channels


To provide unbiased research and scholarly links such as Google scholar or related to academic studies to compare the effectiveness of offline advertising channels, specifically out of home such as vs radio vs print ideally for mass brand awareness.

Early Findings

Do mobile banner ads increase sales? Yes, in the offline channel

  • According to a scholarly journal published by Science Direct, firms are likely to make more sales if they allocate large budgets to banner advertising.
  • This journal, which was published in September 2019, opines that both online and offline advertisements impact sales differently.
  • Using analysis and studies in a predetermined geographical area, this journal seeks to prove that online and offline sales appeal to different audiences.
  • After research and analysis, the study noted a 2% increase in offline sales, which demonstrates that offline advertising channels are still relevant, significantly more than online sales.
  • The journal, therefore, concludes that firms can use offline approaches such as banner advertising to increase their sales.

Study of the Effectiveness of Online Marketing on Integrated Marketing Communication

  • According to an academic journal printed in 2018 by Grin, the growth of internet users and application has grown significantly in recent decades.
  • As such, more organizations have started shifting their focus from offline platforms to online tools, to reach out to a broader audience.
  • Scholars are, therefore, looking at online platforms as a promotional tool that could overtake offline platforms in terms of advertising, marketing and sales.
  • More decision-makers are shifting from personal selling and direct marketing and considering online platforms to reach to a global audience.
  • The academic journal provides that this paradigm shift is inspired by the fact that over 1.5 billion people are using the internet worldwide, and this number keeps going up daily.