Research Outline

APAC TVOD Buying Behaviour


To provide information on the transactional video on demand (TVOD) buying behavior in Taiwan , Thailand , Australia , New Zealand , Singapore , Hong Kong , and Malaysia. Specifically for each market, this will include the following:
  • The demographics that are most likely to engage with buying films online.
  • The percentage of purchases that is TVOD versus those that are physical purchasing.
  • The most popular digital retails (e.g. iTunes).
  • The top TVOD films of 2020 or the films that are best-selling.

Early Findings

The initial round of research focused on the Australian Market and early findings suggest that the requested information surrounding the demographics, TVOD buyer and buying data, TVOD platform, and TVOD content is limited. However, information surrounding buying behavior is publicly unavailable.


Demographics of Viewers

  • A report published by the Australian Government shows that YouTube, Facebook, and younger audience dominate the demand for all types of video on demand (VOD) - which include TVOD. Although the report is from 2017, it is the most recent release so far.
  • Furthermore, official statistics show that an estimated 3.3 million young people aged 15–24 lived in Australia in 2019 (13% of the total population), where males account for 51% or 1.7 million and 49% or 1.6 million for females.
  • The report further indicates that TVOD use tends to be highest amongst viewers of ages 25-44. However, the highest viewers are of ages 25-34 in metro regions of Australia.
  • On the contrary, parents are more likely to use SVOD, spend fewer hours a week watching broadcast TV (though catch-up hours are comparable) and fewer hours using TVOD service, than non-parents.

TVOD Usage/Purchases

  • "Around half of all SVOD users (52%) watch less free-to-air TV, are downloading fewer programs from TVOD (46%) and feel they download/stream via illegal sites less often than they used to." SVODs have had an impact on TVOD services with viewing behavior indicating that while a lesser number of viewers are engaging with TVOD, more are engaging with SVOD.
  • Specifically, only 14% of all VOD viewers use TVOD in Australia, with a weekly engagement frequency and with 5.45 average weekly hours.
  • While exact percentages are not provided, one report reveals that Quickflix offers streaming content but retains the older disc mail-out service, with the closure of video stores and retail stores removing discs from their shelves. It appears that only Quickflix provides this option.
  • iTunes offers movies and TV series to rent or buy at varying prices vary. Google Play offers movies and TV series to rent from $3.99. Ozflix offers Australian movies to rent from $3.79. Quickflix rents from $3.99 and DVD and Blu-ray services at $20 per month.

The Most Popular Digital Retails

  • The Australian Government grouped all VOD services and platforms, with iTunes, Ozflix, Dendy Direct, Google Play, Bigpond, Fetch TV rentals/purchases, and Quickflix Access being the TVOD services in the country.
  • Multiple sources that are more recent than the above also provide that Ozflix and Quickflix are some of the popular TVOD platforms in Australia, including Google Play.

The Top TVOD Content

  • Hollywood movies and foreign series (drama/comedy) are the most popular formats to watch via TVOD services. However, 1 in 5 also seek out Australian movies, series (drama/comedy), documentaries, and children’s programs.
  • Analysts say that "most pay-per-view providers (e.g., Sky) are focusing on sports-related content like live broadcasts of soccer or football games. As nowadays video consumption is largely driven by streaming, many consumers are looking for services that will offer both sports content and the convenience of high-quality streaming, and new services such as DAZN are trying to fill this gap. Thereby, time-limited access to sports content becomes more and more redundant and will potentially lead to a turnaround in the Pay-per-View market."


  • Within the first hour, we only covered the Australian market and as already stated, the information required to address specific aspects of the project is limited, as most of the sources that provide relevant insights into the market are largely outdated. We believe that further research down this path may not yield any further information.
  • Therefore, we recommend further research to analyze the remaining markets in the APAC region, as requested. We'll attempt to include relevant data for any aspect of the market that is unavailable.
  • Note that the provided Google Document isn't shared for public access; hence, we were not able to review the content. Also, while we can provide the final deliverable in a Google Document, we recommend Wonder's intuitive delivery which also has a "copy" feature or the feature to export as a PDF.