Research Outline

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Healthcare


To investigate diversity, equity and inclusion in the healthcare space, specifically the challenges around diversity, equity, and inclusion, best practices, benchmarks, case studies of those getting it right, risk vs. rewards, assessment around performance, standards, and historical trends.

Early Findings

  • Each organization has its own method concerning diversity, equality, and inclusion. One suggested approach includes:
    • Knowing your baseline: This involves thoroughly assessing the current position and assessing where the organization needs to go in the future;
    • Identifying indicators of success: By deciding on a small number of things that the organization can focus on, best practices can be implemented that focus on those factors rather than broader goals that lack definition.
    • Measure success: Tracking the organization's progress over time is the best way to ensure success.
    • Bring everyone in: If an organization is to be successful in this area, there needs to be buy-in from the organization as a whole.
    • Establish leadership commitment: Leaders need to commit and set the tone for the rest of the organization while ensuring channels are in place that allows feedback.
    • Educate effectively: The importance of education should not be under-estimated. One of the best places to start is looking at cultural competency.
  • Trends in 2021 include a focus on the multi generational workspace, the ongoing impact of unconscious bias, and moving from diversity and inclusion to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • When considering how to create an inclusive workforce, it is best practice to begin by evaluating the current workplace culture, as assessed by an independent third party. This avoids the inevitable biases of self-evaluation. In healthcare diversity, equity, and inclusion are viewed as fundamental. The healthcare workforce must be "clinically adept and socially empathetic to serve their increasingly diverse communities.|
  • Try to evaluate diversity based on national trends. For example, national demographics would dictate 30-35% of a workforce in any organization should be African American.
  • The healthcare workforce is reasonably diverse. 76% of those working at hospitals are women. 35% of those working at hospitals are black, Asian, or Latino.


  • In our initial hour of research, we have traversed a number of the points specifically raised in the goals to determine the data availability in the public domain to address the research goals. There is a huge amount of data available. The research path suggested below incorporates the elements mentioned in the goals and groups the information to create efficiencies when researching.