Research Outline



In order to prepare for a B2B opportunity, analyze the TOIEC exam market. Specifically, provide the number of test takers, the main countries in which the test in taken, the price of the test, how many consumers use test prep services, statistics on how many companies send their employees to take the test, which companies these are, how much these companies pay for the test and test prep, and if this training happens online or offline.

Early Findings


  • Six million people take the TOIEC exam each year.
  • 39% of the test takers are young adults, between 21 and 25 years old.
  • Most test takers (53%) are full-time students majoring in Engineering, Liberal Arts or Business.


  • 10,000 companies use the TOIEC exam to evaluate their employee's level of proficiency.
  • These companies span 120 countries globally.
  • 24% of TOIEC test takers take the test for job applications and graduation requirements.
  • Companies that utilize the TOIEC for their employees include those in science/technical industries, clerical/administrative industries and marketing/sales positions.