Research Outline

Personal Insurance Customers


To have a broad understanding of what personal insurance customers want from an insurance agency. The ideal response would include information on:
  • the customers' needs, wants, and baseline expectations from an insurance agency
  • what insurance agencies do to exceed customers' baseline expectations
  • how to entice potential customers to engage the insurance agency's services
Personal insurance includes auto insurance, home insurance, health insurance, and life insurance.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial hour of research reveals that there is a wealth of available information in the public domain regarding the wants and needs of personal insurance customers, including their expectations from insurance agencies.

Demands of Personal Insurance Customers

  • According to the Global Insurance Consumer Study of Accenture, insurance consumers demand better value. To meet this demand, insurers need to offer behavior-based insurance and offer-based insurance "to better personalize and target offerings." The Accenture Insurance Consumer Study surveyed "47,810 respondents across 28 global markets."
  • The Accenture Consumer Study reveals that insurance consumers prefer personalized service offerings. They also prefer an insurance agency that has earned their trust and that engages with them whether digitally or physically.
  • The consumer study also reveals that the percentage of insurance consumers who are likely to buy insurance from online service providers is higher in 2020 (27%) as compared to 2018 (22%). According to Accenture, "Millennial and younger consumers, age 18-34 express greater interest in digital offerings that help them make safer, healthier, and more sustainable choices."
  • Millennials and Gen Z (age 18-34) also value sustainability. According to Accenture, "More than two-thirds (67%) say they want digital experiences that encourage sustainable travel and shopping practices."

What Insurance Customers Want from Insurance Providers

Summary of Early Findings

  • We have provided some details regarding the demands, wants, or preferences of insurance customers. We did not have enough time to provide more details, but we can do so with additional hours of research.
  • The initial hour of research indicates that
  • The initial hour of research does not allow us to embed graphics and other visuals, however, we can certainly do that for any subsequent research projects that are selected. This will enable us to provide visual examples/graphs/charts to add depth to the research.
  • Since the geographic focus was not provided, we assumed a global view. If a narrower view is desired, for example, a US focus, this would have to be communicated to us in the reply.