Research Outline

I'm working on a research project and need help comparing more data between organic farming and pesticide-driven monocropping.

Early Findings


To compare the crop yield level per acre of organic farming and pesticide-driven monocropping.

Early Findings

  • The best apple-to-apple comparative studies have shown that organic farming generally yields 20-30% less than conventional monocropping.
  • A study showed that organic farming requires 84% more land than conventional farming.
  • Another study found that organic farming had 83% land use efficiency compared to conventional farming.
  • Long-term farming trials have also shown that organic farming requires 15-35% more labor than conventional farming.
  • Foster and fellow researchers found that "cotton yield from organic systems was 42% lower than conventional during the first rotational cycle, while yields were similar in cycle 2."
  • Researchers also found that wheat yield in organic farming is 37% less than conventional during the first rotation, but yield was similar in the second circle.
  • For Soybeans, researchers found that yield from organic farming is 7% less than the yield from conventional farming.


Our preliminary research suggests that historical yield data comparing yields from conventional and organic cropping is unavailable. Based on the limited availability of information, we propose continuing with this research by conducting a more detailed comparative analysis of the yield and profitability of organic and conventional cropping in general. In addition, we will also research 7-10 crop-specific comparative analysis of organic and conventional cropping that will take into account profitability and yield efficiency. (9 hours, $225)