Research Outline

Influencer Marketing Case Studies


To provide case studies with supporting information about the efficacy of influencer marketing.

Early Findings

Case #1: Tiffany & Co — Transformation of brand perception

  • Tiffany & Co had the challenge of transforming the brand perception to attract consumers who were trendy and fashion forward. The concept they came up with was to use an edgy and rebellious collection that spoke to creativity and versatility while using Lady Gaga as their influencer to market the collection.
  • The new product offering called HardWear was launched during the Super Bowl and was directly aligned with Lady Gaga's performance.
  • The strategy involved making an entrance with Lady Gaga's video narrative and opportunistic placement and well as maintaining the momentum through messaging and publications.
  • Tiffany & Co's marketing involved targeting customers on YouTube and Facebook as well as those who searched for Lady Gaga and selecting only influencers who aligned with what HardWear collection symbolized.
  • The results showed 10% increase in ecommerce sales for the first of 2017 when compared to that of 2016 in North America, a 135% increase in search for HardWear collection products between February 2017 and June 2017, increased views on YouTube, a 148% increase in ad recall and an 8-point increase in Brand Affinity in North America.

Case#2: Thymes — Reaching target audience

  • Thymes had the challenge of reaching its target audience and increasing product sales and decided to leverage an influencer marketing campaign with authentic content.
  • Thymes formed a partnership with Linqia which helped them to target and bring brand awareness to women age 25 – 55 using 71 “power-middle” influencers with an audience of between 10,000 and 250,000 followers.
  • The influencers shared Thymes' products with their respective audiences for Mother's Day as well as the holidays.
  • The results showed 423% purchases above the target, more than 15,000 visits to Thymes website, 10.9 million potential impressions, and 17,164 online engagements across social media posts as well as blogs. This was as a result of the 1,062 pieces original content created by Linqia influencers in the marketing campaign.