Research Outline

Entrepreneur MBA Degree Statistics


To provide some US and global statistics about entrepreneurs pursuing an MBA, including:
  • The number of entrepreneurs with an MBA degree
  • The number of entrepreneurs interested in obtaining an MBA degree
  • Obstacles and barriers preventing entrepreneurs from obtaining an MBA
  • Schools that offer MBAs for Entrepreneurs, the cost, and their accreditation.
We will provide information about the United States and expand to a global focus as deemed fit.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability surrounding the number of entrepreneurs with an MBA degree is low, while data availability surrounding the number of entrepreneurs interested in obtaining an MBA degreeis adequate.

Entrepreneur MBA Degree Statistics

  • About 30% of prospective students looking at MBA programs with a view to starting their own business and becoming entrepreneurs.
  • As of 2018, only about 25% of MBA students were considering entrepreneurship as a career path post-graduation.
  • According to, entrepreneurship is a growing trend among those considering an MBA program.
  • In a Financial Times survey of 7,800 MBA graduates from the world’s top 100 business schools, "22% of graduates launched a startup either during their program or shortly after completing it."
  • Three years down the line, 84% of the companies they’d launched were still functional.
  • MBA graduate entrepreneurs in North America number 2.4% on average.
  • According to a new survey by venture capital firm Illuminate Ventures, more than 85% of current MBAs and applicants in the United States say they’re considering entrepreneurship as a current or future career path.
  • A recent study found that of all the startups founded in the US within the past decade, at least 33% had an MBA-holding founder.

Obstacles and Barriers to Obtaining an MBA


  • We focused the initial hour of research on obtaining the number of entrepreneurs with an MBA degree and the number of entrepreneurs interested in obtaining an MBA degreeis adequate.
  • The initial research provided us with insights regarding the later.
  • We recommend continued research to provide the remaining information about entrepreneurs and the quest for an MBA degree.
  • For a deeper dive into the above research part, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.