Research Outline

Diversity in International Schools


The goal is to determine why diversity is important in international schools, as well as what diversity in schools looks like.

Early Findings

  • 42% of parents in one Singapore study said they were more likely to choose an international school that has more diversity.
  • In Singapore, while diversity is an important part of schools, many parents are wary of "Western influences" and want to preserve much of their cultural beliefs in schools.
  • Having an ability to understand inclusion and the cultural differences is key to creating well-rounded students, especially those studying business or public service.
  • One study showed that students in a more ethnically and racially diverse environment are more motivated to study and show better learning outcomes.
  • International schools are starting to focus more on creating "global citizens" out of their students, emphasizing the need to understand different views from all over the world.
  • International schools are not only including a wide range of cultures in their leadership boards and staff, but are starting to pay closer attention to their curriculums, ensuring that different cultural views are being represented.