Research Outline

Retreat Events Research


To obtain case studies of 5 to 15 expensive retreat events that last for a few days and are designed for a nitch market, involving 5 to 50 people.
  • Specifically, the event should meet the following criteria:
    • The event lasts a few days and requires flying to or driving to a retreat location such as a farm, ranch, or villa.
    • The event charges participants for a ticket fee that is above a typical hotel stay. For instance, a cybersecurity event in a rural retreat that charges $8000 for 4 days stay and work with like-minded people.
    • The event is small and designed for a nitch market (for instance, involving 5 to 50 people; not as large as a music festival).
    • All participants at the event already know the lead guru (host or main guest) as an influential person in their respective industry.
  • Based on all the events found, analyze and conclude the following:
    • The range of prices of tickets;
    • Frequency and characteristics of participants (for instance, if they are young or old people, married or not, taking their family or by themselves)
    • Selection criteria of event space (i.e. what is common in terms of the space chosen for these events).
  • This research should be biased towards (or focused on) Australia, followed by similar examples in the United States, and Canada.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that information on this topic is limited. Since this is a niche event category, there is limited precompiled information specific to them.

Similar Case Studies

Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation Retreat

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza organizes a week-long meditation retreat in Vancouver and Portland, Canada.
  • The event is quite popular has a large group of over 800 to 2,500 participants. However, this large crowd is broken down into smaller groups, each with its own team leader.
  • One of the reasons people attend this event is "to get outside of their comfort zone in order to change their subconscious programs."
  • The week-long retreat currently costs $1,899. This price does not include hotel accommodation.

THE MINTED LIFE - Dr. Gladys Ato

  • The Minted Life is a four-day retreat that holds in Costa Careyes, an exclusive luxury private estate in Mexico.
  • During the four-day experiential journey, participants celebrate their accomplishments – big and small – in business. They also connect with their highest purpose and vision for their future so it continually fuels them to claim leadership and make a big impact in their various industries.
  • The luxury ticket costs $1000.


  • Our background search reveals that information regarding this specific category of events is limited. However, we strongly believe that further research would enable us to piece together case studies that meet these specific criteria.
  • Our recommended research paths have been presented below.
  • While we provided an example from Canada and Mexico in our initial findings, all of our further research focus more on Australia, followed by the United States, and Canada.