Research Outline

Job Test Prep in the US market


To gain understanding of the online job test preparation market in the United States, including understanding of job seekers likely to purchase these services. An ideal response would answer 4 research questions:

1. What is the market size of online job test preparation services?
2. Who are four key players in the online job test preparation industry?
3. What are the market shares for the identified key players in the online job test preparation industry?
4. What are some traits of job seekers likely to use online job test preparation services?

Early Findings

Job Test Preparation Services

  • The market size for assessment services, which includes employment assessments, is predicted to reach $10.73 billion by 2026.
  • The industry providing online test preparation is also referred to as the tutoring and test preparation franchises market.
  • In 2020, the market size of tutoring and test preparation in the United States reached $1.2 billion.
  • The growth rate of the tutoring and test preparation industry in the United States is 2.2% as of 2020.
  • Information differentiating employment and academic test preparation markets was not publicly available.
  • Employment testing may involve tests related to any of three categories: skills, aptitude, and personality.

Online Job Test Preparation Players

  • Job Test Prep offers preparation services for multiple employment industries, from civil service to supervision to mechanic jobs.
  • Job Test Prep has an estimated annual revenue of $40 million.
  • JobFlare is a free app that assists in preparation for aptitude tests. Revenue information for JobFlare was not publicly available.
  • TestPrepXP offers preparation for tests addressing skills such as reasoning and error checking. Revenue information for TestPrepXP was not publicly available.
  • Preparation for aptitude testing is offered by, which has several free test preparation options. Revenue information for this site was not publicly available.
  • The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) is considered a challenging pre-employment test, with preparation services available from websites such as Udemy and
  • Udemy's value was reported at $2 billion in early 2020.

Summary of Early Findings Related to the Research Questions

  • Information regarding the market size of test preparation services was identified, though these figures did not differentiate between academic and employment testing.
  • Multiple online job test preparation sites (key players) were identified, though revenue and market share information was not publicly available for most sites.
  • The CCAT pre-employment test preparation was identified as often requested by job seekers.
  • Traits of job seekers likely to use online job test preparation services was not identified during the initial hour of research, though this is likely available with additional research.