Research Outline

Combination Health Needs Data


Find websites or tools used to see how search terms overlap, specifically as can be used to see if someone has searched for multiple health needs, or a services or platforms showing data on how many people have combinations of various health needs.

Early Findings

Data Availability

Initial research suggests that while there are limited options to track a particular user's search patterns, there are other options to understand how many people are searching for more than one health need at once. You'll find more details on these below.

Tracking Google User ID

  • Website offers a step by step guide to track Google users, which includes modifying your Google Analytics tracking code to include logged in user ID and add custom dimensions.
  • In order to perform tracking, one must have a member based application to Google Analytics.
  • The process, while slightly complex, allows for one to create custom reports, view and analyze user ID search data.

Google Trends

  • Beyond Google Adwords and Analytics, Google Trends allows two search terms to be compared, but does not offer user ID information alongside these stats.
  • For example, when a user searches for 'plantar fasciitis' you can compare it with the search term 'stress' and get a graph of how interest in these two terms correlate.
  • Google Trends will also show related search queries. So for example, the most often searched terms in combination with 'plantar fasciitis' were 'torn plantar fascia'.
  • You can sort related queries by two metrics, either most popular related search query or rising query that has the biggest increase in search frequency.


  • While not specific to user ID, keyword research tools may also be useful in comparing and understanding what health needs are commonly searched for together.
  • For example, if one was to find the top websites for 'plantar fasciitis', then a keyword tool could be used to better understand what other keywords were commonly used related to that health need.


  • Within the first hour, we have been able to provide one tool that directly tracks user ID search terms, as well as two alternatives to gain an understanding of the frequency of combinations of certain needs as is visible via search terms.
  • For a deeper dive, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.