Research Outline

SAG Mills


Identify the number of mines in the world out of the total 35,000 that use SAG (semi-autogenous grinding) mill technology in order to get an idea of the total addressable market.

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research indicates that data availability is limited on this topic.

Market Insights

  • Because grinding consumes a large amount of energy, the need for energy-efficient solutions in the grinding space is a key driver in the SAG mill market due to their "extremely high availability rate, high throughput and low energy consumption"
  • SAG mills are used the most by gold, platinum, silver and copper mines, however, they also have applications in lead, nickel and zinc mining.
  • Assuming the graphs represent real numbers in the Industry Growth Insights report, the Semiautogenous Mills market declined sharply in 2021, however, it is expected to see steady growth between 2020 and 2028.
  • Assuming the graphs represent real numbers in the Cognitive Market Research report, North America holds the largest market share followed by Europe, APAC, Middle East, and South Africa in that order.

Key players


For this research on SAG mills, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including market reports, media publications, industry press releases, and industry expert opinions. Through our research, we were unable to find any information regarding the number of mines that use SAG mill technology. We then attempted to find the market size of the SAG mill segment, however, while there were several market reports from KTVN, Market Research Intellect, Big News Network, Absolute Reports, Cognitive Market Research, Industry Research, Industry Growth Insights, and more, all reports are paywalled. We then scoured each report and publication found for any available proxies that could be used to determine market size such as number of companies operating in the market or number of units produced annually, however, no reliable proxies were found. We determined that the information is likely unavailable in the public domain.