Research Outline

US Productivity Consultants


To determine the number of productivity consultants, and their usage in the US.

Early Findings

Number of Productivity Consultants in the US

  • The National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) is a membership association for professional organizers and productivity consultants.
  • The organization has over 3,500 members. Information on country specific membership, or membership by professional organizers and productivity consultants in aggregate is not provided on the NAPO website.
  • NAPO lists 20 business organizing and productivity categories, and 35 residential organizing and productivity categories.
  • NAPO has regional chapters in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. For individual who live in an area without a chapter there is a virtual chapter to service their needs.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not list productivity consultants in its list of Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services.

Usage of Productivity Consultants

  • In a survey of 1200 Americans, respondents reported that being organized and productive made them feel at ease (42%), controlled (46%), calmer (55%), and successful or powerful (28%).
  • Respondents that indicated that they felt organized reported that their families were also less stressed (49%), felt happy about their personal selves (35%), were self-motivated to become more organized (29%), and were more productive and creative (24%).
  • Becoming more organized was a priority for 31% in 2020. A disorganized space made 36.5% of women feel stressed compared to 22% of men. This led to a difficulty in concentrating on the task at hand for 53.7% of women and 45% of men. Women (35%) want help to organize their homes more than men (22%), and believe they are more organized at work (90.6%), than men (83%).
  • Workers aged 18-34 (22%) are more likely to believe that their up lines consider their productivity and organizing skills needed to be improved than older workers (13%). Younger workers are more concerned about being judged for sub-par organization skills by others (36%) than older workers (26%), and believe that their (38.2%) career advancement would be positively impacted by improvements in prioritizing their workload, when compared to older colleagues (20.8%).


  • During the allotted time, no publicly available information on the exact number of productivity consultants, or rates of usage for the US was found.
  • We also searched for market data, such as industry revenue and revenue forecasts, however no publicly available information specific to productivity consultants separate from the consulting industry was found.
  • In its place we have provided information on the major membership organization for the profession, and survey data that provides an overview of the reasons why a productivity consultant would be used.
  • In the section below, alternative research paths have been proposed for your consideration.