Research Outline

Largest Oil & Gas Companies: Western Europe


To provide a list of the largest oil & gas companies in Western Europe by number of employees. This will be used to obtain the market sizing for products for fields workers.

Early Findings

  • The largest oil & gas companies in Western Europe by number of employees are;
    • Total SA's headquarters is located in France. The company had 107,776 employees as of the last day of 2019.
    • Royal Dutch Shell's headquarters is located in the Netherlands. The company has 86,000 employees.
    • BP Plc has its headquarters located in the United Kingdom. The company had 70,100 employees as of the last day of 2019.
    • Saipem SpA's headquarters is located in Italy. The company has 34,200 employees.
    • Eni SpA's headquarters is located in Italy. The company has 31,321 employees.
    • Equinor has its headquarters located in Norway. The company had 21,412 employees in 2019.
    • Galp Energia's headquarters is located in Portugal. The company has 6,360 employees.
    • Orsted's headquarters is located in Denmark. The company has 6,200 employees.
    • Neste Corporation has its headquarters located in Espoo, Finland. The company had 5,474 employees in 2019.
    • Saras SpA has its headquarters located in Italy. The company had 1,946 employees in 2019.

Research Strategy

We were unable to identify a precompiled list of the largest oil & gas companies in Western Europe by the number of employees in the public domain. Most of the list found was based on revenue.
To provide our list, we compared the list of the global largest companies by Forbes and the top 250 global energy company by S&P Global Platts. From the list, we selected companies with their headquarters located in Western Europe and also went further to confirm their number of employees from their annual reports.