Research Outline

Marketing Services Request for Proposals


Obtain a list of all current (non-expired) request for proposals for marketing and consulting services (digital marketing, community engagement, outreach, and organization-building skills) for local municipalities within 500 miles of the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area (Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.). The information will be used to pursue more opportunities to collaborate with local municipalities that are striving to revitalize small business corridors and community spaces.

Early Findings

Marketing Services RFPs

Montgomery County in Maryland

  • The Montgomery County in Maryland issued an RFP on May 26 to solicit bids for marketing and communications services for a volunteer center.
  • The deadline for submitting proposals for the RFP is on June 10, 2020.

Howard County

  • Howard County in Maryland issued an RFP on May 29 for public relations and marketing services to increase student enrollments.
  • All proposals should be submitted on June 29.

Summary of Findings

  • Our one hour of research provided some of the open RFPs for marketing services in some counties in Maryland that are similar to the given RFP for Chesterfield County in Virginia.
  • We included those RFPs that deal with any of these areas: digital marketing, community engagement, outreach, or organization-building skills.
  • We only found a limited number of relevant RFPs as most of them can be accessed only by paid members on RFP databases. Furthermore, most of the RFPs found were closed already and some marketing-related RFPs deal with other types of services.
  • Given these findings, we are proposing our next steps below.