Research Outline

Locations and Businesses - COVID 19 spread


To gain understanding of industries or business areas at high risk of spreading COVID-19, to inform proactive measures.

Early Findings

Gathering Places

  • Any event with a large gathering has demonstrated a high likelihood of spreading COVID-19, which lead to many of the current restrictions on gatherings.
  • Examples of gathering places identified as high risk include concerts, conferences, festivals, sporting events, and worship gatherings with more than 250 attendees.
  • Parks and recreational facilities have been directed to cancel large events or meetings during outbreaks, and limit these meetings when a risk of an outbreak is present.

Schools and Child Care

  • The CDC released a decision tree to assist in determining school and child care closures.
  • While children with COVID-19 tend to have mild symptoms, they can spread the virus to other children and adults, making schools and child care facilities likely places to spread COVID-19.
  • Many areas, coastal and non-coastal, have closed schools for the remainder of the school year.


  • Recent information has indicated the 6-foot social distancing may not be enough, as droplets can travel farther than 6 feet. This has raised additional concerns for beach attendance.
  • Concern of infection spreading in beach facilities, such as bathrooms, has been raised.
  • The COVID-19 virus has been shown to remain viable in water, though viability in saltwater is not known. So swimming at coastal beaches may or may not be unsafe.

Additional Locations

  • The CDC gives recommendations for areas at higher risk of transmitting COVID-19.
  • Additional areas with CDC recommendations include colleges and universities, retirement communities, correctional facilities, tribal communities, homeless populations, any shared housing institution, first responders, and businesses.
  • No information was located regarding specific business/industry progression in the initial hour of research.