Research Outline

Rental Prices: London, England - Growth and/or Decline


To have a broad understanding of where rental prices grown and declined most in 2020 in London, England. An ideal response would include a breakdown of average rents, along with data surrounding any decline and/or growth throughout central London, focused especially on Q4 2020. Similar data to this source, but for central London, would be helpful.

Early Findings

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

  • As discussed at the top of the document, even in one location, rental prices will vary greatly between a three bedroom flat or home versus a two bedroom, versus a studio, versus a one bedroom. Prices also vary based on number of bathrooms and on how new or old the unit is. We were not informed what type of rentals we should be focused on, so we are presenting averages across all types of units.
  • We were not provided information surrounding whether we should be looking at commercial rentals, residential rentals, or both. We have focused on residential. If this is not correct, that would clearly have to be communicated to us in any reply.
  • As a reminder, Wonder only uses publicly available sources. We do not have access to paid databases or paywalled reports, but we can cite them in research for reference only [in case purchase is desired]. If that is of interest, that would clearly have to be communicated to us in any reply.
  • The initial hour of research focused on ensuring that the research questions could be answered with publicly available sources, and then providing some relevant and salient data points surrounding them.
  • We were able to provide Q4 results surrounding where rental prices and grown and declined in London overall. There is no publicly available source that focuses only on Central London. **We are not suggesting further research for that specific area**, unless looking for paid reports, and providing the links to them [if they exist] is something that would be desired. If so, that would have to be clearly communicated in any reply.
  • We found a source that breaks down monthly rents based on price, number of bedrooms, and by type of rental. We provided the data for central London, but any other part of London can be accessed by using this site.
  • We feel we have provided what is available surrounding the research questions, and will be offering no further research for those specific things, but we have provided some research options below.
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.