Research Outline

Tech Companies Investments in CSR


To find 5-10 examples of tech companies or other Fortune 100 companies that invest heavily in philanthropy and CSR and to know what their budgets are for those activities, with a focus on the following companies: Salesforce (, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Unilever, Bank of America, Lyft, Verizon, and other similar ones.

Early Findings Investment in Philanthropic Efforts

  • In April 2019, Salesforce announced it would pay $300 million to purchase all shares of The funds would be distributed to the independent Foundation for further philanthropic distribution.
  • leads the new nonprofit and education vertical responsible for customer success, marketing, and sales of the Salesforce Customer Success Platform to education nonprofits and academic institutions. The new organization also develops's nonprofit cloud, education cloud, and philanthropy cloud vertical applications.
  • Since the founding of Salesforce in 1999, the organization has offered free or discounted technology to over 40,000 nonprofits and academic institutions (K-12 & higher education centers). It has also invested over $260 million in grants.
  • Employees of both Salesforce and have volunteered 3.8 million hours of their time to their communities. The foundation matches employees’ donations to qualifying nonprofits up to $5,000 annually, doubling their combined charitable donation. Salesforce

Unilever Investments in CSR

  • Unilever's global business model makes significant contribution to the global economy and communities. The company claims to create equitable wealth through its array of brands, share technology, help, and improve the lives of individuals through training.
  • The company's community investment contributions in 2019 amounted to €79 million (approximately $94 million).
  • Unilever's 2019 investment was broken down into three categories, i.e., community investment s that accounted for 56% of the whole investment, 38% went to commercial initiatives in the community, while charitable donations got 6% of the investment.
  • In this regard, 6% of €79 million equals €4.74 million, which is the amount Unilever invested in charitable donations in 2019. A review of the spending type shows that 79% of the investment was spent in cash, 17% in kind, 2% for both employee time and management costs.

Summary of Findings

  • A quick overview of and Unilever shows that information regarding their CSR activities is well documented and readily available. On that note, continued research on the remaining companies and a few more could shed more light into how their charitable donations are broken down. Whether they are investing in numerous activities as the case of Unilever.
  • In addition to this public search, we scanned our proprietary research database of over 1 million sources and were unable to find any specific research reports addressing your goals.