Research Outline

Social Media and Health Insurance Marketing


To identify insights on health insurance marketing and related social media marketing best practices to understand what is working well, what is trending, and what the common consumer social media expectations are from health care insurance companies.

Early Findings

  • Health insurers need marketing campaigns that are memorable.
  • Humor is a popular to drive brand awareness with consumers and has been used by companies such as Oscar, United Healthcare (UHC), Aetna, and Cigna.
  • Millennials are Oscar’s largest group of users. Oscar claims to have high mobile engagement and virtual interactions with the healthcare system. Oscar’s most recent campaign message focused on making healthcare easy and accessible at any time and is presented in a funny way.
  • Social media communities, and tapping "groups, chats, and hashtags are all a great way for marketers to reach a pre-qualified audience."
  • Content marketing is still effective and "very well-received with health care audiences. Content is popular in health care because health care itself is an evidence-based industry."
  • Health care has also seen an increase in video content and can convey more than the written word.
  • According to McKinsey analysts, "personalization can boost ROI on marketing spend by up to 8 times and can increase sales by 10% or more."

Social Media Platforms and Best Practices

  • Health Marketers are making full use of "multiple platforms including, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. LinkedIn also provides avenues for both long and short form content", which makes it quite versatile.
  • When utilizing social platforms, it is recommended to "encourage interaction and build relationships rather than use it to broadcast a service."
  • It is encouraged to "engage with audiences where conversations are happening."
  • Joining in a Twitter chat or following a certain hashtag can provide insights on what customers are talking about and regularly engaging in. "Using Facebook and Instagram can also help humanize an organization."
  • One expert mentions that the "biggest mistake is trying to make a piece of content do too much.” He suggests "starting with a single asset, a single goal, a single call to action. "
  • A big takeaway in digital marketing strategy is "to be willing to embrace a multi-channel approach. There may be benefits to running via all the channels and platforms but remember the main goal is to be authentic in one's brand voice.