Research Outline

DNA Deconvolution industry


Identify the top competitors in the DNA Deconvolution industry, including for each a description, their customers, and other relevant details. Also, identify any competition gaps in the industry.

Early Findings

The research team found very limited information available on companies involved in DNA Deconvolution. DNA Deconvolution is typically utilized in forensic applications to interpret sexual offense evidence. Two companies that provide DNA Deconvolution products for forensic applications have been highlighted below.

NicheVision Forensics

  • NicheVision Forensics offers the ArmedXpert software, which can "deconvolute up to three-contributor mixtures", typically used by law enforcement agencies to process casework samples.
  • ArmedXpert has been used by the U.S. Army Crime Lab.
  • They also offer STRmix™, which has been used to "interpret DNA evidence in more than 100,000 cases internationally. It is currently used by 75% of the U.S. forensic analyst market, 70% of the Canadian market, and is now considered the Australian standard for DNA interpretation."
  • NicheVision was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Akron, OH.

Menarini Silicon Biosystems