Research Outline

Job Seekers' Perception of Recruitment Agencies


An overview of what professional, project management, and technology job seekers think about using recruitment firms, including what they like and don't like.

Early Findings

  • A 2015 study by LinkedIn found that a vast majority of professionals are just as interested in "hearing from staffing recruiters as they are from corporate recruiters."
  • According to this study, 43% of professionals are extremely or very interested in hearing from a staffing recruiter, while 30% are somewhat interested, and 21% are not at all interested.
  • Although most job seekers are open to hearing from a staffing agency, they are less likely to proactively reach out to staffing agencies when looking for a job. Less than 20% of talents think of a staffing agency when looking for new job opportunities.
  • Among the talents who seek a staffing agency, the top channels for finding them include online job boards, word of mouth, and social professional networks.
  • Not a lot of job seekers are using staffing agencies because they have no experience with them. According to LinkedIn, the reason most job seekers are not using staffing agencies has nothing to do with bad experiences or lack of results.
  • About 74% of job seekers who use recruitment firms reported having a good experience. Among those who used staffing agencies and get interviews, 41% were offered a job.
  • Based on several threads like this Indeed one, job seekers think recruitment and staffing agencies lie a lot, especially about "non-existent job opportunities."


  • Within our initial hour of research, we found no recent information on what job seekers think about using recruitment agencies, let alone what professional, project management, and technology job seekers think about them.
  • After expanding our research to publications beyond two years, we found research by LinkedIn that somewhat explored this information.