Research Outline

Mozambique Call for Proposals


The goal is compile a list of websites for Mozambique that allow for calls for proposals/grant submissions.

Early Findings

Free Resources

  • FundsforNGOs provides detailed listings for the most recent grants, funding opportunities, and resources in Mozambique.
  • The U.S. Embassy in Mozambique provides a listing of applications and grants for Mozambique.
  • The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives also has invitations for applications to further develop Mozambique.
  • provides a broad range of funding opportunities. Not all are specifically for Mozambique and some are worldwide while others are country specific.
  • Advance Africa covers the entire continent and includes many calls for proposals for Mozambique. The website also includes a page specifically for NGOs and organizations.
  • provides funding opportunities for the entire continent and includes many opportunities specifically for Mozambique.
  • The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Pretoria has a call for proposals in Mozambique for local small scale projects.
  • Opportunities for Africans curates a great list of opportunities for grants and funding.
  • The European Commission includes a page on Mozambique with various funding opportunities. These are found under the "Projects" tab.
  • The Global Innovation Exchange currently lists 90 different funding projects for Mozambique.
  • The UK Government offers a page for international development funding. It lists 24 open projects for application in Mozambique.
  • includes a list of different grants and funding opportunities for Africa in general and Mozambique specifically.
  • The International Growth Centre provides small project funding (less than £20,000) for Mozambique.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation provides worldwide grants, some with focus specifically on Africa.