Research Outline

Solar Installers in East Hampton, NY


To create a list of solar installers in or around East Hampton, NY, and find out whether they offer owning and/or leasing options to its customers, whether they allow their customers the option of net metering, whether they install solar pool heating equipment, and any other offerings they have.

Early Findings

Solar Installers in East Hampton

  • Harvest Power LLC, SUNation Solar Systems Inc., Long Island Solar Solutions, EmPower Solar, and Momentum Solar are five solar panel and equipment installers that are in or around the New Hampton region of New York.
  • The attached spreadsheet lists these five companies and their offerings. All these five companies allow the option of net metering to customers, i.e., the customers can sell the excess generated energy back to the grid.
  • Harvest Power LLC offers both owning and leasing options to its customers. The company installs solar pool heating equipment. Its other offerings are the installation and servicing of solar batteries and EV charging stations.
  • SUNation Solar Systems Inc. does not give its customers the option to lease the solar panel equipment. The company does not install solar pool heating equipment. Its other offerings are the installation and servicing of pest guards and EV chargers.
  • Long Island Solar Solutions is another solar installer in the area. Its website does not clearly state whether the company allows its customers to lease the solar panel equipment. However, it seems that customers can only own the equipment. The company installs solar pool heating equipment. Its other offerings are the installation and servicing of battery backup and generators.
  • EmPower Solar offers both owning and leasing options to its customers. The company does not install solar pool heating equipment. Its other offerings are the installation and servicing of battery backup and EV charging stations.
  • Momentum Solar offers both owning and leasing options to its customers. It is not clearly stated on the company's website whether it installs solar pool heating equipment. However, the company offers customized solutions to its customers. Its other offering is the installation and servicing of microinverters.

Summary of the Initial Findings

  • During the time constraint of the initial hour of research, we could only prepare the layout of the spreadsheet and find out the names of five solar installers. However, our initial research revealed that there are more such solar installers in New York that serve the New Hampton region.
  • The relative cost benefits provided by these companies can only be understood after getting individual quotations from these companies, which is not possible in the scope of this research. However, a few of these companies have mentioned the cost benefits of their service on their websites.