Research Outline

Market size for DIY technology tool in state and municipal government


To determine the number of state and municipal government offices which are stand-alone (i.e. not part of the IT Department) and the number of project managers and innovation specialists in the same governments in order to understand the potential market size for a DIY technology tool that governments can use to quickly and easily build applications to better serve their constituents.

Early Findings

State Government Innovation Offices

  • In a recent survey by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), when asked about the skills that are most important in a brokered services model, CIOs put innovation laboratories at the bottom of the list, with only 4% identifying it as necessary.
  • A search for states with official innovation departments or offices showed 16 states that meet the criteria. They are California , Delaware, Illinois, Iowa , Maine , Nevada , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina, Ohio , Oklahoma , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , Texas , Utah , and Washington.
  • According to the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), all 50 states and the District of Columbia have delegated an Innovation Staff Contact within their offices. This contact is the "primary contact for fintech officials, streamlining communication on money transmission, payments, and lending."

Summary of Early Findings

  • Once we found the number of states with innovation offices, we spent the remainder of the time looking at the information available for municipal offices.
  • A search of the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not reveal any classifications specifically for government employees. We have ultimately concluded the only way to find this data would be to search by city. This list identifies the cities ranked by population.
  • Due to time constraints, we were only able to provide limited information in the early findings.
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