Research Outline

Investor Subscription Models


Provide a list of entities that provide premium investor research and expertise in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe, to better understand the pricing, offerings, and the competitive landscape for investor research subscription models. The overarching objective is to get a feel of the pricing and offerings (newsletters, events, conferences, analyst reports, free trading accounts, access to leading analysts, etc) tied to tiered subscriptions. Examples of these entities include Rosenberg Research: 2 tiers ($1200 and $3000) and Mauldin Economics. For each entity/organization, provide:
  • The pricing model, and offering tied to the pricing model. For example, if an entity has three tiers/plans, including free, silver and gold, provide the pricing for the for silver and gold and what's included in all three subscriptions.
  • Links to each entity's website and offerings/plans.
  • If available, the number of subscribers and how long the entity has been delivering its subscription program.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability is adequate on this topic.

1. New Constructs

Individual Investors

Free Plan

Gold Tier

  • New Constructs' Gold Plan offers clients "peace of mind for your portfolio with research and custom alerts."
  • The Gold membership has the following offerings:
  • The Gold Tier is billed monthly at $49 a month, but subscribers can get one month free if they prepay for an annual membership.

Platinum Tier

Professional Investors





  • Within the first hour, we were able to identify one firm that provides premium investor research and expertise. We have included the pricing of all its tiers and the offerings for all the tiers.
  • Based on data availability, we anticipate being able to answer all parts of the question.
  • To provide a list of more entities that provide premium investor research and expertise, we recommend additional research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.
  • We will focus our research on companies in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe.